Genesis and Controls of Reservoir-Scale Carbonate Deformation, Monterrey Salient, Mexico


Genesis and Controls of Reservoir-Scale Carbonate Deformation, Monterrey Salient, Mexico. Randall Marrett, editor. 123 p., 63 figs., 5 tables, 1 plate, 2001. ISSN: 0363-4132. Print

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This guidebook comprises 4 articles and 1 description of the 3-day, 11-stop field trip for the 2001 joint meeting of AMGP and AAPG. Each section contains extensive illustrations and bibliographic sources, and an oversize type section of the Cupido Formation is included in a pocket.

"The first chapter of this contribution describes a 2- to 3-day field trip to examine outcrop- and map-scale structures in the Monterrey salient. More regional structural geology of the Sierra Madre Oriental is considered in the second chapter. The last three chapters address the characteristics and genesis of outcrop-scale structures, particularly opening-mode fractures, which represent analogs for abundant petroleum-reservoir features that are too small to image seismically, are poorly sampled in borehole logs and cores, and yet impact the quality of many reservoirs."

Marrett, Randall, editor, 2001, Genesis and Controls of Reservoir-Scale Carbonate Deformation, Monterrey Salient, Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 28, 123 p.

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