The mission of the Gulf Coast Section SEPM (GCSSEPM) is to "promote the science of stratigraphy in the Gulf Coast states through research in paleontology and sedimentary petrology, especially as it relates to petroleum geology." We invite you to explore how we fulfill that mission through the wide range of activities, conferences, publications a...
The mission of the Gulf Coast Section SEPM (GCSSEPM) is to "promote the science of stratigraphy in the Gulf Coast states through research in paleontology and sedimentary petrology, especially as it relates to petroleum geology." We invite you to explore how we fulfill that mission through the wide range of activities, conferences, publications and member benefits outlined on this site. The GCSSEPM Foundation is an affiliated nonprofit organization that promotes research and research-related activities through tax-exempt donations from corporations and individual patrons, and through fees from conference registrations and sale of publications. The GCSSEPM and the GCSSEPM Foundation are headquartered in Houston, Texas. Visit at
Deep-Water Core Workshop, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2002. CD-ROM Deep-Water Core Workshop, Northern...
Lower Cenozoic Chronology of Gulf Chart, 1996. Two sheets in color with explanatory text on back of Sheet One. Print Lower Cenozoic Chronology of Gulf...
Lower Cretaceous Depositional Environments from Shoreline to Slope--A Core Workshop. D. G. Bebout and Doug Ratcliff, Eds. 145 p., 1985. Print Lower Cretaceous Depositional...
Biostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of the Subsurface Cretaceous of the Gulf Coast Basin...CD. Print Biostratigraphy and...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeast Mexico. Print Sequence Stratigraphy and...
Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleoecology. Print Cretaceous Stratigraphy and...
Structure and Stratigraphy of South Texas and Northeast Mexico: Applications to Exploration. Papers presented at a GCS-SEPM Foundation and South Texas Geological Society seminar, San Antonio, April 11, 2003. CD format only. 2003. CD-ROM Structure and Stratigraphy of South...
Middle Eocene of Houston Co. Texas. 1961. 45 p. Print Middle Eocene of Houston Co. Texas....
A Field Guide to Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Strata near the Moffatt Mound area near Lake Belton, Bell County, Texas, by D. L. Amsbury, T. A. Bay, Jr., and F. E. Lozo. 19 p., 7 figs., 1984. Print A Field Guide to Lower Cretaceous...
Upper Cretaceous Lithostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy in Northeast Mississippi, Southwest Tennessee, and Northwest Alabama. Print Upper Cretaceous Lithostratigraphy...
Deltaic Sedimentation on the Louisiana Coast. Dag Nummedal, editor. 103 p., 1982. Print Deltaic Sedimentation on the...
Middle Eocene Coastal Plain and Nearshore Deposits of East Texas... Print Middle Eocene Coastal Plain and...