Regional and Local Variability in Lowstand Valley Fill and Deltaic Deposits in the Tannehill Sandstone (Cisco Group), Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin by W.A. Ambrose, T.F. Hentz, H. Rogers, and D.L. Carr. 48p. 2024. Digital Version For a Print Version: RI0290 Regional and Local Variability in...
Regional and Local Variability in Lowstand Valley Fill and Deltaic Deposits in the Tannehill Sandstone (Cisco Group), Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin by W.A. Ambrose, T.F. Hentz, H. Rogers, and D.L. Carr. 48p. 2024. Print Version For a downloadable, digital version: RI0290D Regional and Local Variability in...
Northern Gulf of Mexico Sandstone Reservoir-Quality Database (GOMRQ): Multiple Data Types for Evaluating Reservoir-Quality Risk by Robert G. Loucks and Shirley P. Dutton. 202316 page PDF report with Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint data set. Digital Northern Gulf of Mexico Sandstone...
Facies variability and geologic controls on reservoir heterogeneity in deepwater slope reservoirs in the Pennsylvanian Cisco Group, Lake Trammel South field, Nolan County, Texas, by W.A. Ambrose, T.F. Hentz, and D.C. Smith. 35p. 2022. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0288. Facies variability and geologic...
Facies variability and geologic controls on reservoir heterogeneity in deepwater slope reservoirs in the Pennsylvanian Cisco Group, Lake Trammel South field, Nolan County, Texas, by W.A. Ambrose, T.F. Hentz, and D.C. Smith. 35p. 2022. Print Version. For a downloadable, digital version: RI0288D. Facies variability and geologic...
A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots using integrated seismic multiattribute, wireline-log, and core analyses: case study from the Upper Cretaceous Taylor Serbin field, southeast Texas by O.C. Ogiesoba, and W.A. Ambrose, 76 p., 2021. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0287. A systematic approach to identifying...
A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots using integrated seismic multiattribute, wireline-log, and core analyses: case study from the Upper Cretaceous Taylor Serbin field, southeast Texas by O.C. Ogiesoba, and W.A. Ambrose, 76 p., 2021. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0287D. A systematic approach to identifying...
Seismogenic environment of the geologic basement of Texas -- In preparation, not yet available to download. Seismogenic environment of the...
Geology and hydromechanical properties of the basement-sediment interface, Llano Uplift, Central Texas, by O. A. Callahan, Peter Eichhubl, and J. R. Kyle Geology and hydromechanical...
Structure and characteristics of the basement in the Fort Worth Basin, by E. A. Horne, K. M. Smye, and P. H. Hennings, in Callahan, O. A., and Eichhubl, Peter, eds., 2021, The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn. Digital Version. Structure and characteristics of the...
Basement-rooted faults of the Delaware Basin and Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, West Texas and southeastern New Mexico -- Digital Version. Basement-rooted faults of the...
Hydrogeology of the Texas basement -- Digital Version. Hydrogeology of the Texas basement --...