Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Comanche Cretaceous (Fredericksburg-Washita Division) .. West Texas: Interpretation of Sedimentary Facies, Depositional Cycles, and Tectonics, by C. I. Smith, J. B. Brown, and F. E. Lozo. 39 p., 18 figs., 6 pls., 2 appendices, 2000. CD-ROM Regional Stratigraphic Cross...
Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Comanche Cretaceous (Fredericksburg-Washita Division). West Texas: Interpretation of Sedimentary Facies, Depositional Cycles, and Tectonics, by C. I. Smith, J. B. Brown, and F. E. Lozo. 39 p., 18 figs., 6 pls., 2 appendices, 2000. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas... Regional Stratigraphic Cross...
Reference High-Resolution Correlation Cross Sections, Paleogene Section, Texas Coastal Plain, by W. E. Galloway, Xijn Liu, D. Neuberger, and Liangqing Xue. 19 p., 6 figs., 1 appendix, 5 high-resolution cross sections, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: CS0010. Reference High-Resolution Correlation...
Reference High-Resolution Correlation Cross Sections, Paleogene Section, Texas Coastal Plain, by W. E. Galloway, Xijn Liu, D. Neuberger, and Liangqing Xue. 19 p., 6 figs., 1 appendix, 5 high-resolution cross sections, 1994. This product is on CD-ROM Reference High-Resolution Correlation...
Reference High-Resolution Correlation Cross Sections, Paleogene Section, Texas Coastal Plain, by W. E. Galloway, Xijn Liu, D. Neuberger, and Liangqing Xue. 19 p., 6 figs., 1 appendix, 5 high-resolution cross sections, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: CS0010D. Reference High-Resolution Correlation...
Structural Cross Sections, Plio-Pleistocene Series, Southeastern Texas Continental Shelf, by R. A. Morton and L. A. Jirik. 7 p., 13 pls., 1989. Digital Version.For a print version: CS0009. Structural Cross Sections,...
Structural Cross Sections, Plio-Pleistocene Series, Southeastern Texas Continental Shelf, by R. A. Morton and L. A. Jirik. 7 p., 13 pls., 1989. This product is on CD-ROM Structural Cross Sections,...
Structural Cross Sections, Plio-Pleistocene Series, Southeastern Texas Continental Shelf, by R. A. Morton and L. A. Jirik. 7 p., 13 pls., 1989. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: CS0009D. Structural Cross Sections,...
Regional Structural Cross Sections, Mid-Permian to Quaternary Strata, Texas Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico: Distribution of Evaporites and Areas of Evaporite Dissolution and Collapse, by D. A. McGookey, T. C. Gustavson, and A. D. Hoadley. 17 p., 6 figs., 1 table, 12 cross sections, 1988. This product is on CD-ROM Regional Structural Cross Sections,...
Regional Structural Cross Sections, Mid-Permian to Quaternary Strata, Texas Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico: Distribution of Evaporites and Areas of Evaporite Dissolution and Collapse, by D. A. McGookey, T. C. Gustavson, and A. D. Hoadley. 17 p., 6 figs., 1 table, 12 cross sections, 1988. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be... Regional Structural Cross Sections,...
Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Strata (Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series), North-Central Texas, by L. F. Brown, Jr., R. F. Solis Iriarte, and D. A. Johns. 27 p., 9 figs., 1 table, 27 pls., 1 appendix, 1987. This product is on a CD-ROM Regional Stratigraphic Cross...
Regional Cross Sections: Central Basin Platform, West Texas, by D.G. Bebout, and K. J. Meador. 4 p., 11 pls., 1985. This product is on CD-ROM Regional Cross Sections: Central...