Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, by R. A. Maxwell, J. T. Lonsdale, R. T. Hazzard, and J. A. Wilson. 320 p., 152 text figures, 11 plates including a color geologic map, 1967. Downloadable .zip file; not available in paper format. Geology of Big Bend National Park,...
Evolution of Athleta petrosa Stock (Eocene, Gastropoda) of Texas, by W. L. Fisher, P. U. Rodda, and J. W. Dietrich. 117 p., 33 figs., 11 plates (6 oversized), 1964. Digital Version. Evolution of Athleta petrosa Stock...
Upper Cretaceous Ammonites from the Gulf Coast of the United States, by K. P. Young. 373 p., 34 figs., 13 tables, 82 plates in the text, 1963. Digital Version. Upper Cretaceous Ammonites from the...
Annotated Bibliography and Index of Conodonts, by S. P. Ellison, Jr. 128 p., 6 charts, 1962. Not available in paper format. Digital Version. Annotated Bibliography and Index of...
The Ouachita System, by P. T. Flawn, A. Goldstein, Jr., P. B. King, and C. E. Weaver. 401 p., 13 figs., 7 tables, 2 color maps, 15 plates, 1961. Digital Version.For a print version: PB6120. The Ouachita System, by P. T. Flawn,...
The Ouachita System, by P. T. Flawn, A. Goldstein, Jr., P. B. King, and C. E. Weaver. 401 p., 13 figs., 7 tables, 2 color maps, 15 plates, 1961. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: PB6120D. The Ouachita System, by P. T. Flawn,...
Aspects of the Geology of Texas: A Symposium, by F. B. Conselman, J. D. Martinez, E. H. Statham, and L. G. Howell; H. F. Nelson, J. H. Nicholson, J. L. Wilson, and O. P. Majewske; and Addison Young. 117 p. 66 figs., 6 plates (4 oversized), 1960. Not available in paper format. Digital Version. Aspects of the Geology of Texas: A...
Graptolite Faunas of the Marathon Region, West Texas, by W. B. N. Berry. 179 p., 3 figs., 3 tables, 20 plates (1 oversized, 19 in text), 2 appendices, 1960. Digital Version. Graptolite Faunas of the Marathon...
Stratigraphy of the Pre-Simpson Paleozoic Subsurface Rocks of Texas and Southeast New Mexico. Print Stratigraphy of the Pre-Simpson...
Symposium on Edwards Limestone in Central Texas - Digital Version.For a print version: PB5905. Symposium on Edwards Limestone in...
Symposium on Edwards Limestone in Central Texas... Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: PB5905D. Symposium on Edwards Limestone in...
Geology of Parker County, Texas, by Leo Henricks. 67 p., 6 figs., 1 oversize color map, 7 plates in text, 1957. Digital Version. Geology of Parker County, Texas, by...