Oversize, color geologic maps on a topographic base, scale 1:24,000, depicting various geologic quadrangles in Texas, with informal text booklet, 1990's to the present
Geologic Map of the White Hills Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2016. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0228. Geologic Map of the White Hills...
Geologic Map of the White Hills Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize color geologic map on a topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2017. Paper map. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0228D. Geologic Map of the White Hills...
Geologic Map of the Fredonia Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2017. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0227. Geologic Map of the Fredonia...
Geologic Map of the Fredonia Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2017. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0227D. Geologic Map of the Fredonia...
Geologic Map of the Bee Cave Quadrangle, Texas, by E. W. Collins. Oversize color geologic map on a topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2016. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0226. Geologic Map of the Bee Cave...
Geologic Map of the Bee Cave Quadrangle, Texas, by E. W. Collins. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, scale 1:24,000, 2016. Paper map. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0226D. Geologic Map of the Bee Cave...
Geologic Map of the Saint Charles Bay Quadrangle, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and E. W. Collins. Oversize geologic map on color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2016. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0225. Geologic Map of the Saint Charles Bay...
Geologic Map of the Saint Charles Bay Quadrangle, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and E. W. Collins. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2016. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0225D. Geologic Map of the Saint Charles Bay...
Geologic Map of the Port O'Connor Quadrangle, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and E. W. Collins. Oversize color geologic map on a topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, and sheet 2, Geophysical logs and time-domain electromagnetic induction soundings, 2016. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0224. Geologic Map of the Port O'Connor...
Geologic Map of the Port O'Connor Quadrangle, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and E. W. Collins. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, and sheet 2: geophysical logs and time-domain electromagnetic induction soundings, 2016. Paper format. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0224D. Geologic Map of the Port O'Connor...
Geologic Map of the Spice Rock Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2015. Digital Version.For a print version: OFM0223. Geologic Map of the Spice Rock...
Geologic Map of the Spice Rock Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Paper. Oversize geologic map on a color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2015. Paper map. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0223D. Geologic Map of the Spice Rock...