Structure-Contour Map on the Lower Permian Red Cave Formation, Panhandle Field and Adjacent Areas of the Texas Panhandle, by R. T. Budnik. 8-p. text, 3 plates, 1987. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0037D. Structure-Contour Map on the Lower...
Summary of the Tectonic Development of Trans-Pecos Texas. C. D. Henry, J. K. Gluck, and N. T. Bockover, compilers; accompanying text by C. D. Henry and J. G. Price. 1 oversize two-color plate, map scale 1:500,000, 1985. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0036. Summary of the Tectonic Development...
Summary of the Tectonic Development of Trans-Pecos Texas. C. D. Henry, J. K. Gluck, and N. T. Bockover, compilers; accompanying 8-page text Summary of the Tectonic Development of Trans-Pecos Texas," by C. D. Henry and J. G. Price. 1 oversize two-color plate, map scale 1:500,000, 1985. "Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0036D. Summary of the Tectonic Development...
Tectonic Map of the Rio Grande Area, Trans-Pecos Texas and Adjacent Mexico, by C. D. Henry and N. T. Bockoven, 1977. Scale 1:500,000. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0035. Tectonic Map of the Rio Grande Area,...
Tectonic Map of the Rio Grande Area, Trans-Pecos Texas and Adjacent Mexico, by C. D. Henry and N. T. Bockoven, 1977. Scale 1:500,000. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0035D. Tectonic Map of the Rio Grande Area,...
Big Bend National Park Geologic Map, by R. A. Maxwell. Oversize color map, scale 1:62,500, 1966. Plate II of GB0007. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0034. Big Bend National Park Geologic Map,...
Big Bend National Park Geologic Map, by R. A. Maxwell. Oversize color map, scale 1:62,500, 1966. Plate II of GB0007. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0034D. Big Bend National Park Geologic Map,...
Texas Mining Laws Pertaining to State Public Lands [as of 1968], compiled by Carolyn Leach. 1 chart. Included in GC7001. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0033. Texas Mining Laws Pertaining to State...
Texas Mining Laws Pertaining to State Public Lands [as of 1968], compiled by Carolyn Leach. 1 chart. Included in GC7001. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0033D. Texas Mining Laws Pertaining to State...
Upton County Texas Topographic Maps. 1919. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0032. Upton County Texas Topographic Maps....
Structural Map of Texas, 1948, by E. H. Sellards and Leo Hendricks. Four sheets, black and white, each ~42 by 54 inches, scale 1:500,000, 1948. Sold as a set. Digital Version.For a print version: MM0030. Structural Map of Texas, 1948, by E....
Structural Map of Texas, 1948, by E. H. Sellards and Leo Hendricks. Four sheets, mostly black and white, each ~42 by 54 inches, scale 1:500,000, 1948. Sold as a set. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: MM0030D. Structural Map of Texas, 1948, by E....