Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas - Downloadable


Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, by R. A. Maxwell, J. T. Lonsdale, R. T. Hazzard, and J. A. Wilson. 320 p., 152 text figures, 11 plates including a color geologic map, 1967. Downloadable .zip file; not available in paper format.

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PB6711D. Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, by R. A. Maxwell, J. T. Lonsdale, R. T. Hazzard, and J. A. Wilson. 320 p., 152 text figures, 11 plates including a color geologic map, 1967. Downloadable .zip file; not available in paper format.

About This Publication (excerpted from its publication announcement, 1968)
"Culmination of almost 30 years of study by many scientists of the geology of the Big Bend National Park, Publication 6711 contains a vast amount of information on the fascinating area it covers. A memorial to the late Dr. Lonsdale, Director of the Bureau from 1945 to 1960, prefaces the scientific text. Main subdivisions of the report are titled "Land Forms," "Stratigraphy," "Early Tertiary Mammals," "Geology of Intrusive Igneous Rocks," and "Structural Geology." The publication is profusely illustrated with 152 line drawings and photographs, one of which is a panoramic view of the Chisos Mountains Basin. The 11 plates...include a large colored geologic map on a scale of 1:62,500 as well as structure and stratigraphic sections. Sixteen tables of chemical analyses and other data are an integral part of the publication. A bibliography of 209 references adds to the usefulness of the report, which also includes a comprehensive index."

Keywords: Big Bend, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, John T. Lonsdale, national parks, Texas, West Texas

Maxwell, R. A., Lonsdale, J. T., Hazzard, R. T., and Wilson, J. A., 1967, Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: University of Texas, Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Publication 6711, 320 p.

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