The Rustler Springs Sulphur Deposits. Digital Download


The Rustler Springs Sulphur Deposits, by E. L. Porch, Jr. 71 p., 1 figure, 9 plates, 1917. Digital Version.

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BL1722D. The Rustler Springs Sulphur Deposits, by E. L. Porch, Jr. 71 p., 1 figure, 9 plates, 1917. Downloadable PDF.



Nature of the work done



Deep Explorations

Troxell Well No. 2

Huling-Ross Well No. 1

The Delaware Formation

Castile Formation

Rustler Formation

Red Beds



Description of Sulphur Deposits

Pit in center of Section 34, Block 70

Pit in southeast corner of Section 13, Block 70

The Johnson Prospect

The Kyle Prospect

Prospecting on Section 13, Block 113

Block 112

The Dot Prospect

The Spann-Felch Holdings

Observations on Felch's gas well, Pit No. 3

Summary of log of Hole No.1, Dallas Claim No. 2

The Holdings and Works of the Michigan Sulphur & Oil Company

The Georgetown Prospect

The Cooksey Prospect

The Stinking Seep Prospect

Deposits near Walker's Ranch

Southeast corner of Section 4, Block 109

Southern part of Section 4, Block 109

Southwest Corner of Section 4, Block 109

Southwest quarter of Section 9, Block 109

Northeast corner of Section 10, Block 109

Prospects on and near the University Lands

The Grant Mines Property and Vicinity

Open cut on Section 8, Block 01

Other Sulphur Locations Reported

'l'ypes of Sulphur

1. Yellow crystallized sulphur

2. Yellow massive sulphur

3. Green crystallized sulphur

4. Green massive sulphur

5. Silvery white massive sulphur

6. Cream white massive sulphur

Kinds of matrix containing sulphur


Brown siliceous material

Dark gypsiferous porous material

Massive gypsum

Chemical composition of the Sulphur and of its Matrices

Sulphur analyses

Analyses of the Matrices

Probable origin of the sulphur


Water Resources

Figure 1. Sketch map of the Michigan Sulphur and Oil Company's property

Plate 1, a. Maverick Springs, looking northeast.

Plate 1, b. Characteristically weathered and cavernous dolomite (Rustler?) in the Virginia Draw near the Dot Prospect

Plate 2, a. Dip of the bed rock (limestone or limy dolomite) in the Virginia Draw, near the Dot Prospect. Bank above capped by gypsite

Plate 2, b. Gypsum beds changing upward into gypsite in the Virginia Draw near the Dot Prospect

Plate 3, a. Steam plant for extracting sulphur. Michigan Sulphur and Oil Co.

Plate 3, b. Contact between dark, decomposed, cavernous, gypsiferous sulphur-bearing material and the overlying gypsite, a short distance above line drawn to show flexure. Michigan Sulphur and Oil Co.

Plate 4, a. Entrance to the northeast drift at 16 in sketch map

Plate 4, b. Part of the workings of the Michigan Sulphur and Oil Co.

Plate 5, a. Looking south from about the center of the Michigan Sulphur and Oil Co.'s property

Plate 5, b. Best showing of sulphur on the Cooksey Prospect

Plate 6, a. Furnace on the Cooksey Prospect

Plate 6, b. Stinking Seep. Looking to the northwest

Keywords: sulphur. sulfur, Rustler Formation, Rustler Springs area, Culberson County, Texas

Porch, E. L., Jr., 1917, The Rustler Springs Sulphur Deposits: University of Texas, Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology, Bulletin 1722, 71 p.

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