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Upper Albian (Cretaceous) Ammonoidea from Texas


Upper Albian (Cretaceous) Ammonoidea from Texas, by K. P. Young. 33 p., 1 figure, 10 plates. Reprinted from Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, no. 1, 1957. Print

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RI0028. Upper Albian (Cretaceous) Ammonoidea from Texas, by K. P. Young. 33 p., 1 figure, 10 plates. Reprinted from Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, no. 1, 1957.

This paper brings part of the classification of upper Albian ammonites up to date and up to modern standards for some of the Texas species. Twelve new species are described (Drakeoceras georgetownense, D. drakei, D. arringtoni, D.kummeli, D. gabrielense, D. dellense, D. lasswitzi, Durnovarites adkinsi, Deiradoceras amsburyi, Pervinquieria whitneyi, P. smedalae, Prohysteroceras, P. atchisoni) and two previously described species are redescribed. The fourteen species are distributed through six genera, two of which are new (Drakeoceras and Craginites); all six genera are classified as Mortoniceratinae (Ammonitina).

Albian, ammonites, Cretaceous, faunas, Texas

Young, K. P., 1957, Upper Albian (Cretaceous) Ammonoidea from Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 28, 33 p.

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