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Boundary of the Pennsylvanian and Permian(?) in the Subsurface Scurry Reef, Scurry County, Texas


Boundary of the Pennsylvanian and Permian(?) in the Subsurface Scurry Reef, Scurry County, Texas, by W. A. Heck, K. A. Yenne, and L. G. Henbest. 17 p., 5 figs., 1 plate, 1952. Print Version.

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RI0013. Boundary of the Pennsylvanian and Permian(?) in the Subsurface Scurry Reef, Scurry County, Texas, by W. A. Heck, K. A. Yenne, and L. G. Henbest. 17 p., 5 figs., 1 plate, 1952. Print.

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The subsurface sedimentary complex that comprises the Scurry reef and the overlying terrigenous clastic unit in Scurry County, Texas, were formerly regarded as of Canyon and Cisco Pennsylvanian age. Core samples from depths of 6,804 to 6,828 feet in the Wilshire Oil Company’s No. 8 Lunsford well reveal the presence of Triticites pinguis? Dunbar and Skinner, Schwagerina longissimoidea (Beede), and “Schwagerina” compacta (White), which indicate early Wolfcamp Permian (?) age.

Triticites pinguis?
continues downward in limestone to a depth of approximately 6,875 feet, and since this form, so far as known, is also restricted to rocks of early Wolfcamp age, the stratigraphic unit is classed as Wolfcamp. The overlying black shales are therefore at least as young as Wolfcamp. The fusulinids in the limestone immediately below the 6,875-foot level indicate Canyon (Missouri) age. If beds of Cisco age are present in this well, they could not be recognized by their fauna.

Keywords: Scurry Reef, Scurry County, shale, subsurface, Texas, Wolfcamp


The age of the Scurry reef and the overlying black shales
Lithology and paleontology of the reef rock and overlying black shales
Depositional history



1. Map of major structural features of west-central Texas
2. Generalized subsurface contour map of the top of the Scurry reef
3. Profile of reef along A-A' of figure 2
4. Electric log and microlog of the Wilshire Oil Company's No. 8 Lunsford well, Scurry County, Texas
5. Lithology of the reef limestones and overlying shales in the Wilshire Oil Company's No. 8 Lunsford well



I. Fusulinidae from the Wilshire Oil Company's No. 8 Lunsford well, Scurry County, Texas

Heck, W. A., Yenne, K. A., and Henbest, L. G., 1952, Boundary of the Pennsylvanian and Permian(?) in the Subsurface Scurry Reef, Scurry County, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 13, 17 p.

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