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A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots


A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots using integrated seismic multiattribute, wireline-log, and core analyses: case study from the Upper Cretaceous Taylor Serbin field, southeast Texas by O.C. Ogiesoba, and W.A. Ambrose, 76 p., 2021. Print Version.

For a downloadable, digital version: RI0287D.

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RI0287. A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots using integrated seismic multiattribute, wireline-log, and core analyses: case study from the Upper Cretaceous Taylor Serbin field, southeast Texas by O.C. Ogiesoba, and W.A. Ambrose, 76 p., 2021.


Ogiesoba, O. C., and Ambrose, W. A., 2021, A systematic approach to identifying hydrocarbon sweet spots using integrated seismic multiattribute, wireline-log, and core analyses: case study from the Upper Cretaceous Taylor Serbin field, southeast Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 287, 76 p.

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