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Successional Speciation in Paleontology: The Case of the Oysters of the Sellaeformis Stock. Digital Download


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RI0003D. Successional Speciation in Paleontology: The Case of the Oysters of the Sellaeformis Stock, by H. B. Stenzel. 17 p., 8 figs. Reprinted from Evolution, v. 3, no. 1, March 1949. Downloadable PDF.

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The successional mode of speciation of
Julian Huxley (1942) may be defined as gradual transformation of one species into a successor species, or several of them, during the course of geologic time without primarily involving geographic, ecologic, or adaptive segregation. The purpose of this paper is to present a particular case of such a mode of speciation and to discuss problems involved therein. The example chosen is the stock of Cubitostrea sellaeformis (Conrad) [Mollusca, Pelecypoda], which contained 4 separate successional species of oysters and lived in Middle Eocene time in the ancient Gulf of Mexico.

Keywords: oysters, paleontology, speciation

Stenzel, H. B., 1949, Successional Speciation in Paleontology: The Case of the Oysters of the Sellaeformis Stock: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 2, 17 p.