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Frio Sandstone Reservoirs ... along the Texas Gulf Coast, Their Potential for the Production of Geopressured Geothermal


Frio Sandstone Reservoirs in the Deep Subsurface along the Texas Gulf Coast--Their Potential for the Production of Geopressured Geothermal Energy, by D. G. Bebout, R. G. Loucks, and A. R. Gregory. 92 p., 106 figs., 1 table, 1978. Book. Print Version.

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RI0091. Frio Sandstone Reservoirs in the Deep Subsurface along the Texas Gulf Coast--Their Potential for the Production of Geopressured Geothermal Energy, by D. G. Bebout, R. G. Loucks, and A. R. Gregory. 92 p., 106 figs., 1 table, 1978. Book.

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Excerpted from the Abstract
Tertiary strata of the Texas Gulf Coast comprise a number of terrigenous depositional wedges, some of which thicken abruptly at their downdip ends as a result of contemporaneous movement of growth faults and underlying salt. The Frio Formation, one of these wedges, has been studied regionally by means of a grid of correlation cross sections aided by micropaleontological control, By means of these sections, the Frio was subdivided into six map units; maps of sandstone distribution within these units delineate principal elongate sandstone trends parallel to the Gulf Coast composed of deltaic, barrier-bar, and strandplain sandstones.

These broad regional studies, followed by detailed local investigations, were pursued in order to delineate prospective areas for production of geopressured geothermal energy.

Texas Gulf Coast, geopressure, geothermal, Frio Formation, subsurface, Armstrong Fairway, Brazoria Fairway, Corpus Christi Fairway, Hidalgo Fairway

Bebout, D. G., Loucks, A. R., and Gregory, A. R., 1978, Frio Sandstone Reservoirs in the Deep Subsurface along the Texas Gulf Coast--Their Potential for the Production of Geopressured Geothermal Energy: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations no. 91, 92 p.

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