Mineral Resource Circulars

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Annotated Bibliography of Mineral Deposits in Trans-Pecos Texas. Digital Download


Annotated Bibliography of Mineral Deposits in Trans-Pecos Texas, by J. G. Price, C. D. Henry, and A. R. Standen. 108 p., 31 figs., 1 table, 1983. Digital Version.

For a print version: MC0073.

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Silver, mercury, sulfur, talc, and fluorspar dominate historic mineral production in Trans-Pecos Texas, but deposits of numerous other commodities have also been the focus of exploration and limited mining in the region. This circular compiles and indexes locations, references, and notes on mining activity, resources, and geologic features of more than 300 mineral deposits in Trans-Pecos Texas. Active and abandoned mines, prospects and exploration sites, and mineral occurrences for which no activity is known are listed in this compilation. Summaries are given for each district.


Keywords: Texas, Trans-Pecos, economic geology, metals, industrial minerals, mineral exploration, mineral resources, bibliography

Price, J. G., Henry, C. D., and Standen, A. R., 1093, Annotated Bibliography of Mineral Deposits in Trans-Pecos Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Mineral Resource Circular No. 73, 108 p.