Field Excursion: Geology of Llano Region and Austin Area


Field Excursion: Geology of Llano Region and Austin Area, by V. E. Barnes, W. C. Bell, S. E. Clabaugh, P. E. Cloud, Jr., R. V. McGehee, and K. P. Young. 77 p., 16 figs., 3 tables, 1963. ISSN: 0363-4132. Print

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"Central Texas combines a range of geologic section, quality of natural exposures, diversity of mineral commodities, and climate difficult to duplicate in an equivalent area elsewhere in the United States. A few of the interesting localities geologically (fig. 1) were chosen to acquaint the participants on this excursion with the diversity of rock types and the range of stratigraphic section available for study in the Llano region and Austin area. Purposely omitted is a discussion of the Tertiary rocks, which are also tributary to Austin, because these rocks are the subject of other excursions held concurrently or subsequently."

See GB0013 for an updated version of this field trip.

Barnes, V. E., Bell, W. C., Clabaugh, S. E., Cloud, P. E. Jr., McGehee, R. V., and Young, K. P., 1963, Field Excursion: Geology of Llano Region and Austin Area: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook No. 5, 77 p.

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