Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone

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Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Kingsville Area. Digital Download


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EA0006D. Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Kingsville Area, by  L. F. Brown, Jr., J. H. McGowen, T. J. Evans, C. G. Groat, and W. L. Fisher. 131 p., 30 figs., 15 tables, 9 maps, 1977. Downloadable PDF.

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About this Publication
The Kingsville area comprises a unique portion of the Texas Gulf Coast--the South Texas Eolian System. The mapped area includes a diverse suite of wind-dominated environments stretching from Kleberg County south to southern Kenedy County, and inland from Padre Island across extensive wind-tidal flats and onto the predominantly sandy region as far west as Kingsville.

Land use in the Kingsville area is dominated by ranching interests. Urban development is concentrated around the City of Kingsville and a few small sites along U.S. Highway 77. Padre Island, a thin barrier island east of Laguna Madre, is a federally protected National Seashore. Bay-estuarine areas are characterized by hypersalinity in Laguna Madre and Baffin Bay, presence of now-dead serpulid reefs, and an array of wind-tidal flat and transitional eolian environments.

Keywords: atlases, environmental geology, coastal geology, Kingsville area,  Kleberg County, Kenedy County, Texas

Brown, L. F., Jr., McGowen, J. H., Evans, T. J., Groat, C. G., and Fisher, W. L., 1977, Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Kingsville Area: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Environmental Geologic Atlas EA0006, 131 p.

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