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Geology at the Crossroads--Big Bend Ranch State Park, Presidio and Brewster Counties, Texas


Geology at the Crossroads--Big Bend Ranch State Park, Presidio and Brewster Counties, Texas. P. W. Dickerson, B. R. Hall, and B. B. Hunt, editors. Austin Geological Society Guidebook 39, 122 p., map and 1 color page in back pocket, 2019. Print

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AGS GB 39. Geology at the Crossroads--Big Bend Ranch State Park, Presidio and Brewster Counties, Texas. P. W. Dickerson, B. R. Hall, and B. B. Hunt, editors. Austin Geological Society Guidebook 39, 122 p., map and 1 color page in back pocket, 2019.

About This Publication
Prepared for separate 2019 field trips conducted for the Austin Geological Society and Houston Geological Society and dedicated to long-time Big Bend researcher Christopher D. Henry, this book contains:

a regional geological map
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic stratigraphic sections
a history of Big Bend Ranch State Park
a field guide with a map and stop descriptions
a day-by-day road log
a field guide references list
5 technical articles
a Down to Earth in Big Bend Ranch State Park map (also sold separately as BEG's DE0003 map)
a 1-page color handout by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department called Big Bend Ranch State Park--Geology at the Crossroads.

Keywords: Big Bend Ranch State Park, field trips, guidebooks, Brewster County, Presidio County, state parks, Texas

Dickerson, P. W., Hall, B. R., and Hunt, B. B., eds., 2019, Geology at the Crossroads--Big Bend Ranch State Park, Presidio and Brewster Counties, Texas: Austin, Texas, Austin Geological Society Guidebook 39, 122 p., 2 inserts in back pocket.

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