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A Look at the Hydrostratigraphic Members of the Edwards Aquifer in Travis and Hays Counties, Texas

AGS 019

A Look at the Hydrostratigraphic Members of the Edwards Aquifer in Travis and Hays Counties, Texas. N. M. Hauwert and J. A. Hanson, Coordinators. AGS Guidebook 19, 81 p., 1995. Print

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AGS 019. A Look at the Hydrostratigraphic Members of the Edwards Aquifer in Travis and Hays Counties, Texas. N. M. Hauwert and J. A. Hanson, Coordinators.  Austin Geological Society Guidebook 19, 81 p., 1995.

About This Publication
This guidebook contains 7 articles and a field trip road log focusing on the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer in the greater Austin area, Central Texas.

Keywords: Austin area, Edwards aquifer,field trips, guidebooks, Hays County, hydrostratigraphy, Texas, Travis County

Hauwert, N. M., and Hanson, J. A., 1995, A Look at the Hydrostratigraphic Members of the Edwards Aquifer in Travis and Hays Counties, Texas: Austin Geological Society Guidebook 19, 81 p.

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