Diagenesis and Burial History of the Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas, by S. P. Dutton. 58 p., 43 figs., 11 tables, 1987. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0164D. Diagenesis and Burial History of the...
Morphometric Studies of Subhumid and Semiarid Drainage Basins Texas Panhandle and Northeastern New Mexico, by R. W. Baumgardner, Jr. 68 p., 35 figs., 15 tables, 1 appendix, 1987. doi.org/10.23867/RI0163D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0163. Morphometric Studies of Subhumid and...
Morphometric Studies of Subhumid and Semiarid Drainage Basins Texas Panhandle and Northeastern New Mexico, by R. W. Baumgardner, Jr. 68 p., 35 figs., 15 tables, 1 appendix, 1987. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0163D. Morphometric Studies of Subhumid and...
Erosion Rates and Processes in Subhumid and Semiarid Climates, Texas Panhandle: Statistical Evaluation of Field Data, by W. W. Simpkins and T. C. Gustavson. 54 p., 40 figs., 18 tables, 1 oversize plate, 1987. doi.org/10.23867/RI0167D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0162. Erosion Rates and Processes in...
Erosion Rates and Processes in Subhumid and Semiarid Climates, Texas Panhandle: Statistical Evaluation of Field Data, by W. W. Simpkins and T. C. Gustavson. 54 p., 40 figs., 18 tables, 1 oversize plate in back pocket, 1987. ISSN: 082355X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0162D. Erosion Rates and Processes in...
Hydrogeochemistry and Water Resources of the Triassic Lower Dockum Group in the Texas Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico, by A. R. Dutton and W. W. Simpkins. 51 p., 19 figs., 4 tables, 2 appendices, 1986. doi.org/10.23867/RI0161D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0161. Hydrogeochemistry and Water Resources...
Hydrogeochemistry and Water Resources of the Triassic Lower Dockum Group in the Texas Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico, by A. R. Dutton and W. W. Simpkins. 51 p., 19 figs., 4 tables, 2 appendices, 1986. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0161D. Hydrogeochemistry and Water Resources...
Hydrogeochemistry of the Vadose Zone in Unmined and Reclaimed Deposits at Big Brown Lignite Mine, East Texas, by A. R. Dutton. 37 p., 23 figs., 7 tables, 1 appendix, 1986. doi.org/10.23867/RI0160D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0160. Hydrogeochemistry of the Vadose Zone...
Hydrogeochemistry of the Vadose Zone in Unmined and Reclaimed Deposits at Big Brown Lignite Mine, East Texas, by A. R. Dutton. 37 p., 23 figs., 7 tables, 1 appendix, 1986. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0160D. Hydrogeochemistry of the Vadose Zone...
Numerical Modeling of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Deep-Basin Brine Aquifer of the Palo Duro Basin Texas Panhandle, by Prakob Wirojanagud, C. W. Kreitler, and D. A. Smith. 68 p., 46 figs., 6 tables, 3 appendices, 1986. doi.org/10.23867/RI0159D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0159. Numerical Modeling of Regional...
Numerical Modeling of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Deep-Basin Brine Aquifer of the Palo Duro Basin Texas Panhandle, by Prakob Wirojanagud, C. W. Kreitler, and D. A. Smith. 68 p., 46 figs., 6 tables, 3 appendices, 1986. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0159D. Numerical Modeling of Regional...
Hydrogeology of a Gypsum Playa, Northern Salt Basin, Texas, by F. M. Boyd and C. W. Kreitler. 37 p., 24 figs., 4 tables, 1 appendix, 1986. doi.org/10.23867/RI0158D. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0158. Hydrogeology of a Gypsum Playa,...