Playas and Recharge of the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains of Texas--An Examination Using Numerical Techniques, by W. F. Mullican III, N. D. Johns, and A. E. Fryar. 72 p., 29 figs., 9 tables, 1997. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0242D. Playas and Recharge of the Ogallala...
Oil and Gas on Texas State Lands: An Assessment of the Resource and Characterization of Type Reservoirs. R. P. Major, Editor. 166 p., 14 chapters, 114 figs., 9 tables, 1997. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0241. Oil and Gas on Texas State Lands: An...
Oil and Gas on Texas State Lands: An Assessment of the Resource and Characterization of Type Reservoirs. R. P. Major, Editor. 166 p., 14 chapters, 114 figs., 9 tables, 1997. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0241D. Oil and Gas on Texas State Lands: An...
Geology of the Solitario Dome, Trans-Pecos Texas: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Sedimentation, Tectonism, and Magmatism. C. D. Henry and W. R. Muehlberger, Editors. 182 p., 73 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, 2 oversize color plates, 1996. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0240. Geology of the Solitario Dome,...
Geology of the Solitario Dome, Trans-Pecos Texas: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Sedimentation, Tectonism, and Magmatism. C. D. Henry and W. R. Muehlberger, Editors. 182 p., 73 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, 2 oversize color plates, 1996. ISSN: 0082-335X. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0240D. Geology of the Solitario Dome,...
Fluvial and Eolian Depositional Systems, Paleosols, and Paleoclimate of the Upper Cenozoic Ogallala and Blackwater Draw Formations, by T. C. Gustavson. 62 p., 42 figs., 2 tables, 4 oversize cross sections, 1996. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0239. Fluvial and Eolian Depositional...
Fluvial and Eolian Depositional Systems, Paleosols, and Paleoclimate of the Upper Cenozoic Ogallala and Blackwater Draw Formations, by T. C. Gustavson. 62 p., 42 figs., 2 tables, 4 oversize cross sections, 1996. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0239D. Fluvial and Eolian Depositional...
Edwards Aquifer Ground-Water Resources: Geologic Controls on Porosity Development in Platform Carbonates, South Texas. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0238. Edwards Aquifer Ground-Water...
Edwards Aquifer Ground-Water Resources: Geologic Controls on Porosity Development in Platform Carbonates, South Texas, by S. D. Hovorka, A. R. Dutton, S. C. Ruppel, and J. S. Yeh. 75 p., 39 figs., 1996. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0238D. Edwards Aquifer Ground-Water...
Combining P-Wave and S-Wave Seismic Data to Improve Prospect Evaluation, by B. A. Hardage. 47 p., 37 figs., 2 tables, 1996. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0237. Combining P-Wave and S-Wave Seismic...
Combining P-Wave and S-Wave Seismic Data to Improve Prospect Evaluation, by B. A. Hardage. 47 p., 37 figs., 2 tables, 1996. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0237D. Combining P-Wave and S-Wave Seismic...
Quaternary Evolution of Playa Lakes on the Southern High Plains--A Case Study from the Amarillo Area, Texas, by S. D. Hovorka. 52 p., 40 figs., 3 tables, 1995. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0236. Quaternary Evolution of Playa Lakes...