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WR0011D. Well Records of Refugio County [Texas]. 5 p., 1929. - Downloadable PDF
About the Well Record (WR) Series
[These] circulars issued from the Bureau of Economic Geology contain the record of cores and cuttings from well received and described in the Bureau. In some instances, driller's logs and other data are given, although it is usually impracticable to include logs of all wells, the logs given being selected as representative of the county or area to which the circular relates. The elevations given are for the most part those reported with the driller's log. In some instances the elevation given, as indicated, is that obtained from the location of the well on the topographic map. In all cases the elevation is to be regarded as approximate only.--- E. H. Sellards
About This Document
This circular consists of the following two sections:
Bessie Beryl 1, San Patricio County Oil Development Company, located 2 miles northwest of Refugio.
Rooke 2, Pratt-Hewitt Oil Syndicate, located 3 miles due west of Refugio, samples described by J. A. Udden and P. T. Seashore, submitted by R. H. Hawn.
Keywords: driller's logs, oil wells, Refugio County, Texas
Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Well Records of Refugio County [Texas], WR0011, 5 p., 1929.