Geology of the Late Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll in West Texas. Digital Download


Geology of the Late Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll in West Texas, by D. A. Myers, P. T. Stafford, and R. J. Burnside. 113 p., 10 figs., 18 plates, 1956. Digital Version.

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PB5607D. Geology of the Late Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll in West Texas, by D. A. Myers, P. T. Stafford, and R. J. Burnside. 113 p., 10 figs., 18 plates, 1956. Downloadable .zip file.

Keywords: Horseshoe Atoll, Paleozoic, Texas, West Texas

Myers, D. A., Stafford, P. T., and Burnside, R. J., 1956, Geology of the Late Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll in West Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Publication 5607, 113 p.

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