Quarter-Centennial Memorial Volume of the Division of Natural Resources. Digital Download


Quarter-Centennial Memorial Volume of the Division of Natural Resources. Digital Version.

For a print version: BL3501.

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BL3501D. Quarter-Centennial Memorial Volume of the Division of Natural Resources. Seventeen papers by various authors, 298 p., 37 figs., 4 plates, 1935.- Downloadable PDF.

About This Publication
Contents: (1) A History of the Division of Natural Resources, by E. P. Schoch. (2) Economic Aspects of Industrial Development in the State of Texas during the Past Twenty-Five Years, by W. B. Tuttle. (3) Thirty-Five Years of Progress in the Knowledge of the Geology of Texas, by A. Deussen. (4) The Alchlor Process, by A. M. McAfee. (5) Researches in Rock Wool Resources, by M. M. Leighton. (6) Electrical Development in Texas during the Past Twenty-Five Years, by S. M. Udden. (7) Some Problems in Foundation Design; the Soil Laboratory as an Aid in Their Solution, by W. E. Simpson. (8) Production and Utilization of Texas Bleaching Clays, by D. M. and L. V. Phillips. (9) Symposium on the Major Unconformities in the Texas Geologic Section, by C. L. Baker, H. B. Stenzel, M. B. Arick, M. G. Cheney, J. B. Carsey, P. B. King, W. S. Adkins, North Texas and Panhandle Geological Societies. (10) The Trend of Oil Production and Petroleum Engineering, by W. W. Scott. (11) Relation between Geology and Engineering in Water Conservation, by T. Bartlett. (12) A Model State Resource Survey, by M. M. Leighton. (13) Dimorphism in Permian Fusulines, by C. O. Dunbar, J. W. Skinner, and R. E. King. (14) The Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Section of the Colorado River Valley, Texas, by F. M. Bullard and R. H. Cuyler. (15) The Texas-Oklahoma Earthquake of April 11, 1934, by E. H. Sellards. (16) A New Formation of the Claiborne Group, by H. B. Stenzel. (17) Microscopical Evidence of the Navarro-Taylor Contact in Subsurface Sections in Central Texas, by H. J. Plummer. Also contains biographical sketch of William Battle Phillips.

Keywords: University of Texas, natural resources, economic geology, engineering geology, oil and gas, petroleum, Texas

University of Texas, 1935, Quarter-Centennial Memorial Volume of the Division of Natural Resources: Austin, University of Texas Bulletin 3501, 298 p.