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Olivia and Part of Keller Bay Quadrangle, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast


Geologic Map of the Olivia and Part of Keller Bay Quadrangles, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and Lucie Costard. 2020. Oversize geologic map on color topographic base, 2 sheets, map scale 1:24,000. Print Version.

For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0247D.

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OFM0247. Geologic Map of the Olivia and Part of Keller Bay Quadrangles, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast, by J. G. Paine and Lucie Costard. 2020. Oversize geologic map on color topographic base, 2 sheets, map scale 1:24,000. Paper Map.

About This Publication

Photography used in the study was 0.6-m pixel, natural color, National Agriculture Imagery Program digital imagery, photographed in 2018. Photography was obtained from the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS). Photography was supplemented by a 1-m cell size digital elevation model (DEM) constructed from data acquired during an airborne lidar survey flown by the Bureau of Economic Geology in 2015. Previous regional maps that cover this area include the 1:250,000-scale Geologic Atlas of Texas, Beeville–Bay City Sheet (Aronow and others, 1975; revised 1987); the 1:125,000-scale Environmental Geologic Atlas of Texas, Port Lavaca Sheet (McGowen and others, 1976); and the 1:125,000-scale map of Distribution of Wetlands and Benthic Macroinvertebrates from the Submerged Lands of Texas, Port Lavaca area (White and others, 1989).

The study included field observations of surficial deposits, collection and interpretation of surface and subsurface electrical conductivities measured using ground-based electromagnetic induction conductivity meters (Geonics EM31 and EM38) and a time-domain electromagnetic induction instrument (ABEM WalkTEM). Digital elevation contour files for generalized topography were adapted from the USGS. Digital files of roads were obtained from the Texas Department of Transportation. Streams and drainage ditches were mapped from aerial imagery and the lidar-derived DEM

Keywords:  Texas, Texas Coast

Paine, J. G., and Costard, Lucie, 2020, Geologic Map of the Olivia and Part of Keller Bay Quadrangles, Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Open-File Map 247, 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.