STATEMAP Project Maps

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Poteet quadrangle, Texas


Geologic Map of the Poteet Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2013. Paper map. Print Version.

For a downloadable, digital version: OFM0207D.

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OFM0207. Geologic Map of the Poteet Quadrangle, Texas, by B. A. Elliott. Oversize geologic map on color topographic base, map scale 1:24,000, 2013. Paper map. For PDF: OFM0207D.

About This Publication
This map is one of two 1:24,000-scale geologic maps (Thelma and Poteet quadrangles, Texas) illustrating the geology of Quaternary and Tertiary deposits that overlie Cretaceous strata just south of San Antonio. The Eocene-age Carrizo Sand formation is an important mineral-industry resource in the region, and the geologic maps will assist in recognizing additional economic sand resources.

Keywords: maps, geologic maps, Poteet quadrangle, minerals, Carrizo Sand, Texas

Elliott, B. A., 2013, Geologic Map of the Poteet Quadrangle, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Open-File Map No. OFM0207, scale 1:24,000.