West Waha and Worsham-Bayer Fields Data Set: 3-D Seismic Data, Well Logs, and Production Records, by R. P. Major, B. A. Hardage, D. E. Lancaster, V. M. Pendleton, and L. E. Remington. 10 figs., 2 tables. 3-D data in zip file in SEGY format, 1998.
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About This Publication
This 3-D seismic well log and production data set presented uninterpreted is designed as a teaching resource and as a demonstration and testing data set for use with modern interpretation software. This 20-square-mile data volume from the southeastern Delaware Basin in the vicinity of West Waha and Worsham-Bayer fields contains 11 wells for which production data are provided. The principal gas-productive stratigraphic unit in this area is the Ellenburger Group (Ordovician), although the Fusselman Formation (Silurian), the Thirtyone Formation (Devonian), and Mississippian reservoirs also produce minor amounts of gas.
These data were collected as part of the Secondary Gas Recovery Project funded by the Gas Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Keywords: Delaware Basin, oil and gas, seismic data, stratigraphy, West Waha field, Worsham-Bayer field, Texas
Major, R. P., Hardage, B. A., Lancaster, D. E,, Pendleton, V. M., and Remington, L. E., 1998, West Waha and Worsham-Bayer Fields Data Set: 3-D Seismic Data Well Logs and Production Records: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, SW 8D.