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Proceedings, Gulf Coast Lignite Conference: Geology, Utilization, and Environmental Aspects


Proceedings, Gulf Coast Lignite Conference: Geology, Utilization, and Environmental Aspects. W. R. Kaiser, Editor. 28 papers plus summary of workshops. 276 p., 1978. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version.

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RI0090. Proceedings, Gulf Coast Lignite Conference: Geology, Utilization, and Environmental Aspects. W. R. Kaiser, Editor. 28 papers plus summary of workshops. 276 p., 1978. ISSN: 0082335X: Print.

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From the Editor's Note
Papers in this volume were presented at the Gulf Coast Lignite Conference held in Austin, Texas, June 1976.

Papers were edited, in some cases extensively, and subjectively grouped by discipline, paralleling that of their presentation at the Conference.

Keywords: environmental geology, Gulf Coast, lignite, workshops, conference proceedings

Kaiser, W. R., editor, 1978, Proceedings, Gulf Coast Lignite Conference: Geology, Utilization, and Environmental Aspects: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 90, 276 p.

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