Historical Changes and Related Coastal Processes, Gulf and Mainland Shorelines, Matagorda Bay Area, Texas


Historical Changes and Related Coastal Processes, Gulf and Mainland Shorelines, Matagorda Bay Area, Texas, by J. H. McGowen and J. L. Brewton. 72 p., 27 figs., 4 tables, 16 maps, 1 plate, 3 appendices, 1975.

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SR0003. Historical Changes and Related Coastal Processes, Gulf and Mainland Shorelines, Matagorda Bay Area, Texas, by J. H. McGowen and J. L. Brewton. 72 p., 27 figs., 4 tables, 16 maps, 1 plate, 3 appendices, 1975. To purchase this publication as a downloadable PDF, please order SR0003D.

Keywords: shoreline change, coastal processes, Gulf of Mexico, Matagorda Bay, Texas coast, Texas

McGowen, J. H., and Brewton, J. L., 1975, Historical Changes and Related Coastal Processes, Gulf and Mainland Shorelines, Matagorda Bay Area, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Special Report SR0003, 72 p.