Wilcox Group, East Texas, Geological / Hydrological Folios

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The Wilcox Groupo (Paleocene-Eocene) in the Sabine Uplift Area, Texas. Digital Download


The Wilcox Group (Paleocene-Eocene) in the Sabine Uplift Area, Texas: Depositional Systems and Deep-Basin Lignite, by W. R. Kaiser. 20 p., 11 figs., 2 tables, 16 plates, 1990. - Digital VersionDigital Version.

For a print version: GF0002.

More details


GF0002D. The Wilcox Group (Paleocene-Eocene) in the Sabine Uplift Area, Texas: Depositional Systems and Deep-Basin Lignite, by W. R. Kaiser. 20 p., 11 figs., 2 tables, 16 plates, 1990.  - Downloadable PDF

About This Publication
This folio features maps (scale: 1 inch = 6 mi), regional cross sections, and tabulated supporting data in an appendix, along with an interpretive text.

Keywords: Carrizo Sand, Paleogene, east-central Texas, Eocene, Wilcox Group, depositional systems, lignite

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