Geologic Quadrangle Maps

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Squaw Creek Quadrangle, Texas


Geologic Map of the Squaw Creek Quadrangle, Gillespie and Mason Counties, Texas, by V. E. Barnes. Oversize color geologic map with text on back, map scale 1:31,680, 1952. Paper map. Print Version.

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GQ0001. Geologic Map of the Squaw Creek Quadrangle, Gillespie and Mason Counties, Texas, by V. E. Barnes. Oversize color geologic map with text on back, map scale 1:31,680, 1952. Paper map.

To order this map as a downloadable PDF, please order GQ0001D.

Location: W 98°37ʹ30ʺ--W 98°30ʹ00ʺ/N 30°30ʹ00ʺ--N 30°22ʹ30ʺ.

Keywords: maps, geologic maps, quadrangle maps, Squaw Creek quadrangle, Gillespie County, Mason County, Texas

Barnes, V. E., 1952, Geologic Map of the Squaw Creek Quadrangle, Gillespie and Mason Counties, Texas: The University of Texas, Austin, Geologic Quadrangle Map No. 1, scale 1:31,680.

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