Geologic Quadrangle Maps

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Igneous Geology of the Central Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County, Texas. Digital Download


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GQ0036D. Igneous Geology of the Central Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County, Texas, by J. E. Anderson, Jr. Oversize color geologic map, scale 1:62,500, with 18-p. text, 1968. Downloadable  PDF.

About This Publication (from its 1968 publication announcement)
Text accompanying this geologic quadrangle map contains a detailed description of the geologic formations of the central Davis Mountains, located in Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Brewster counties in Trans-Pecos Texas; the report deals more specifically with about 240 square miles in the highest part of the range. The color map includes three structure sections.

Keywords: Brewster County, Davis Mountains, igneous geology, Jeff Davis County, geologic maps, Presidio County, Trans-Pecos Texas, Texas

Anderson, J. E., Jr., 1968, Igneous Geology of the Central Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geologic Quadrangle Map No. 36, scale 1:62,500.

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