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Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas Reservoirs in the Queen City Formation (Eocene), Texas


Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas Reservoirs in the Queen City Formation (Eocene), Texas, by E. H. Guevara and R. Garcia. 22 p., 18 figs., 2 tables. Reprinted from GCAGS Transactions, v. 22, p. 1–22, 1972. Print Version.

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GC7204. Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas Reservoirs in the Queen City Formation (Eocene), Texas, by E. H. Guevara and R. Garcia. 22 p., 18 figs., 2 tables. Reprinted from GCAGS Transactions, v. 22, p. 1–22, 1972.

Keywords: depositional systems, Wilcox Group, fluvial systems, oil and gas, South Texas, Texas

Guevara, E. H., and Garcia, R., 1972, Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas Reservoirs in the Queen City Formation (Eocene), Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geological Circular 72-4, 22 p.

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