Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone

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Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Bay City-Freeport Area


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EA0001D. Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Bay City-Freeport Area, by J. H. McGowen, L. F. Brown, Jr., T. J. Evans, W. L. Fisher, and C. G. Groat. 98 p., 29 figs., 13 tables, 9 color maps, 1976. Downloadable PDF. To purchase this publication in book format, please order EA0001

About This Publication
The Bay City-Freeport area is a microcosm of the conflicts, challenges, and opportunities realized throughout the Texas Coastal Zone. The mapped area stretches northeastward from Palacios to Freeport and extends inland from the Gulf shore to Wharton.

Abundant mineral and energy resources and a vast agricultural potential interface with growing urban-industrial development along this central Texas Gul f coast region. Major chemical-processing and metal-refining industries lie amidst the urban clusters of the Freeport-Brazosport area. Though mineral and energy production is the prime focus of businesses in the Bay City-Freeport area, agriculture-related businesses and tourism contribute importantly to the area's economy.

Keywords: atlases, environmental geology, Texas Coastal Zone, Bay City area, Freeport area, Texas, Texas Gulf Coast, mineral production, energy production

McGowen, J. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Evans, T. J., Fisher, W. L., and Groat, C. G., 1976, Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone--Bay City-Freeport Area: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Environmental Geologic Atlas EA0001D, 98 p.


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