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CS0007CD. Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Strata (Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series), North-Central Texas, by L. F. Brown, Jr., R. F. Solis Iriarte, and D. A. Johns. 27 p., 9 figs., 1 table, 27 pls., 1 appendix, 1987.
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About This Publication
This cross section set comprises 14 dip (E-W) sections and 9 strike (N-S) stratigraphic cross sections (with text), correlating upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) and lower Permian (Wolfcampian) strata throughout the subsurface in all or parts of 28 counties of North-Central Texas.
The cross-section network covers 22,000 square miles and was constructed by combining outcrop data with electric log data from 1,185 wells along 2,000 miles of cross sections to correlate about 20 limestone units. The network was further verified by correlating the limestones on electric logs from 4,000 additional off-section wells, for a total of more than 5,100 control points. Cores and samples were used locally to calibrate the lithic interpretation of electric logs. The cross sections define 16 principal and several lesser lithogenetic units, delineate many tectonic and paleobathymetric elements, and permit the distinction of 4 major depositional phases during the Virgilian and Wolfcampian Epochs.
Published at a horizontal scale of approximately 6 miles per inch and a vertical scale of 200 feet per inch, the sections are designed to (1) provide regional correlations and stratigraphic control for geologists involved in subsurface studies of the Eastern Shelf and adjacent Midland Basin; (2) establish a regional stratigraphic framework necessary to map the distribution of sandstone bodies within the major lithostratigraphic units; (3) equate stratigraphic nomenclature established at type localities in outcrop with informal subsurface names used by petroleum geologists; (4) demonstrate the vertical and lateral variations in the principal Virgilian and Wolfcampian depositional sequences; and (5) provide a regional lithostratigraphic reference framework for workers who wish to unify petrographic, geochemical, paleontologic, and other geological data.
Keywords: cross sections, stratigraphy, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Virgilian, Wolfcampian, New Mexico, North-Oklahoma, Central Texas, Texas
Stratigraphic Classification
Previous Studies and Current Problems
Correlation Methods and Problems
Construction and Format of Cross Sections
Regional Tectonic, Depositional, and Paleogeographic Setting
General Interpretation of Cross Sections
Dip-Oriented Cross Sections
Strike-Oriented Cross Sections
Appendix: Well Used on Cross Sections
1. Location of study area and regional tectonic elements in Texas and adjacent New Mexico and Oklahoma
2. Network of cross sections included in this report
3. Schematic cross section of outcropping Cisco Group in Brazos River valley, North-Central Texas
4. Evolution of depositional systems, North-Central Texas: Fort Worth Basin, Concho Platform, and Eastern Shelf
5. Generalized dip cross section, Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
6. Principal tectonic elements and associated pre-Virgilian paleogeography, North-Central Texas
7. Structural configuration on top of Home Creek Limestone, base of Virgilian Series, North-Central Texas
8. Paleogeography near the termination of deposition of progradational/aggradational terrigenous clastic sequences, Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
9. Diagrammatic dip and strike cross sections, Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
1. Formal and operational nomenclature, Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
1. Index map of regional cross sections, Virgilian--Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
14 Regional stratigraphic dip cross sections, Virgilian--Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
9 Regional stratigraphic strike cross sections, Virgilian--Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
Typical electric logs of Virgilian and Wolfcampian facies, North-Central Texas
Inferred depositional systems tracts, lower and middle Virgilian Series, North-Central Texas
Inferred depositional systems tracts, upper Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, North-Central Texas
Brown, L. F., Jr., Solis Iriarte, R. F., and Johns, D. A., 1987, Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Strata (Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series), North-Central Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Cross Section CS7, 27 p. and 27 plates.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Solis Iriarte, R. F., and Johns, D. A., 1987, Regional Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Strata (Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series), North-Central Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Cross Section CS 7, 27 p., 27 plates.