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AR1972D. Annual Report 1972. 30 p. Downloadable PDF.
About the Bureau (from the report)
The Bureau of Economic Geology is a research bureau of The University of Texas at Austin; it also functions as a state agency. Established in 1909, it has for 63 years been recognized as the Texas State Geological Survey; its director fills the position of state geologist. The Bureau of Economic Geology also serves as a member agency of the State Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Environment.
The Bureau is engaged in research and public service in Texas geology. It carries on basic research to further understanding of the geology of and the natural earth processes that operate in the state. The applied program is focused on earth resources, environmental and conservation problems, and engineering problems. The Bureau's efforts in systematic geologic mapping are designed to produce geologic and special derivative maps at several scales for all those concerned with resources and land use in Texas. The Bureau participates in other University research efforts in the fields of resources and earth sciences including those of the Center for Research in Water Resources and the Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas. These two organizations,
with the Bureau, constitute The University's Division of Natural Resources and Environment.
The Bureau publishes major reports in The University of Texas Publication Series and maintains its own series of Reports of Investigations, Atlases, Geologic Quadrangle Maps, Geological Circulars, Mineral Resource Circulars, and Special Publications.
The geologic data developed by the Bureau of Economic Geology, in the form of scientific reports and geologic maps, are used by many state and federal organizations in carrying out investigations in the public service. The Texas Water Development Board, Texas Highway Department, Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Industrial Commission, Railroad Commission, The General Land Office, Interagency Natural Resources Council, and numerous other state departments, boards, conservation organizations, water districts, councils of government, and chambers of commerce utilize Bureau publications and services on both a formal and informal basis through interagency contracts and staff conferences. The Bureau also cooperates with federal agencies, such as the Geological Survey, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Reclamation, Corps of Engineers, and National Park Service. The mineral and geological information service offered by the Bureau of Economic Geology is used by public officials, private groups, corporations, and citizens through correspondence and conference.
Front matter
Publications in 1972
Publications Reprinted
Publications in Press
Open-File Reports
Papers by Bureau of Economic Geology Staff in Scientific Journals
Peter T. Flawn Named President of U.T. San Antonio
New Staff Members (and photos of D. G. Bebout, J. L. Brewton, J. J. Cannon, D. E. Deal, Keene Ferguson, W. R. Kaiser, R. A. Morton, C. M. Woodruff, Jr., and L. B. McVey).
Josephine Casey Retires (with photo)
Bureau Becomes Member of Interagency Council on Natural Resources and Environment
Bureau of Economic Geology Research Programs and Projects (and Index [Map] to an Environmental Geologic Atlas, Texas Coastal Zone)
Continuing Education and University Teaching
Brown Completes AAPG Distinguished Lecture Tour
Contracts and Grant Support
Public Service
Well Sample and Core Library
Mineral Studies Laboratory
Staff Activities (and map showing Places of Lectures: Bureau Staff, 1971-72)
Staff List
Keywords: BEG, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual reports, Texas, Texas geology
Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1973, Annual Report 1972, 30 p.