Mechanics of Active Salt Diapirism, by D. D. Schultz-Ela, M. P. A. Jackson, and B. C. Vendeville. 56 p., 40 figs., 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0224D. Mechanics of Active Salt Diapirism,...
Impacts of Technology on the Global Gas Resource Base: Proceedings of the Global Gas Resources Workshop. C. L. Ruthven, Editor. 217 p., 118 figs., 32 tables, 1 appendix, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0223. Impacts of Technology on the Global...
Impacts of Technology on the Global Gas Resource Base: Proceedings of the Global Gas Resources Workshop. C. L. Ruthven, Editor. 217 p., 118 figs., 32 tables, 1 appendix, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0223D. Impacts of Technology on the Global...
Reservoir Heterogeneity and Permeability Barriers in the Vicksburg S Reservoir, McAllen Ranch Gas Field, by R. P. Langford, J. D. Grigsby, R. E. Collins, M. A. Sippel, and E. G. Wermund. 64 p., 37 figs., 4 tables, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0222. Reservoir Heterogeneity and...
Reservoir Heterogeneity and Permeability Barriers in the Vicksburg S Reservoir, McAllen Ranch Gas Field, by R. P. Langford, J. D. Grigsby, R. E. Collins, M. A. Sippel, and E. G. Wermund. 64 p., 37 figs., 4 tables, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0222D. Reservoir Heterogeneity and...
Quantifying Secondary Gas Resources in Fluvial/Deltaic Reservoirs: A Case History from Stratton Field, South Texas, by R. A. Levey, R. J. Finley, and M. A. Sippel. 38 p., 41 figs., 3 tables, 2 appendices, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0221. Quantifying Secondary Gas Resources...
Quantifying Secondary Gas Resources in Fluvial/Deltaic Reservoirs: A Case History from Stratton Field, South Texas, by R. A. Levey, R. J. Finley, and M. A. Sippel. 38 p., 41 figs., 3 tables, 2 appendices, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0221D. Quantifying Secondary Gas Resources...
With Colorado Geological Survey. Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Coalbed Methane: Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming, by W. R. Kaiser, A. R. Scott, D. S. Hamilton, Roger Tyler, R. G. McMurry, Naijiang Zhou, and C. M. Tremain. 151 p., 85 figs., 9 tables, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0220. With Colorado Geological Survey....
With Colorado Geological Survey. Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Coalbed Methane: Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming, by W. R. Kaiser, A. R. Scott, D. S. Hamilton, Roger Tyler, R. G. McMurry, Naijiang Zhou, and C. M. Tremain. 151 p., 85 figs., 9 tables, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0220D. With Colorado Geological Survey....
Depositional Environments of Unstable Shelf-Margin Deltas of the Oligocene Vicksburg Formation, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas, by R. P. Langford and J. M. Combes. 60 p., 27 figs., 3 tables, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0219. Depositional Environments of Unstable...
Depositional Environments of Unstable Shelf-Margin Deltas of the Oligocene Vicksburg Formation, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas, by R. P. Langford and J. M. Combes. 60 p., 27 figs., 3 tables, 1994. Print Version.For a downloadable, digital version: RI0219D. Depositional Environments of Unstable...
(Copublished with Colorado Geological Survey). Coalbed Methane in the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. W. B. Ayers, Jr. and W. R. Kaiser, eds. 216 p., 168 figs., 14 tables, 1994. Digital Version.For a print version: RI0218. (Copublished with Colorado Geological...