Potential Geothermal Resources of Texas, by M. H. Dorfman and R. O. Kehle. 33 p., 17 figs., 3 tables, 1974. ISSN: 0082-3309: Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Potential Geothermal Resources of...
A Numeric Code for Describing Rocks in Sedimentary Basins, by E. G. Wermund and C. A. Caughey. 28 p., 4 figs., 3 tables, 2 appendices, 1974. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks A Numeric Code for Describing Rocks...
Shoreline Changes on Galveston Island (Bolivar Roads to San Luis Pass)--An Analysis of Historical Changes of the Texas Gulf Shoreline, by R. A. Morton. 34 p., 12 figs., 3 appendices, 1974. ISSN 00823309: Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Shoreline Changes on Galveston Island...
Depositional-Episodes: Their Relationship to the Quaternary Stratigraphic Framework in the Northwestern Portion of the Gulf Basin, by D. E. Frazier. 28 p., 18 figs., 3 tables, 1974. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Depositional-Episodes: Their...
Asbestos in the Allamoore Talc District, Hudspeth and Culberson Counties, by R. G. Rohrbacher. 17 p., 2 figs., 1 table, 1973. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Asbestos in the Allamoore Talc...
Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas Reservoirs in the Queen City Formation (Eocene), Texas, by E. H. Guevara and R. Garcia. 22 p., 18 figs., 2 tables. Reprinted from GCAGS Transactions, v. 22, p. 1–22, 1972. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Depositional Systems and Oil-Gas...
Evaluation of Sanitary Landfill Sites, Texas Coastal Zone: Geologic and Engineering Criteria, by L. F. Brown Jr. W. L. Fisher and J. F. Malina Jr. 18 p., 3 figs., 4 tables, 1972. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Evaluation of Sanitary Landfill...
Cretaceous Paleogeography: Implications of Endemic Ammonite Faunas, by K. P. Young. 13 p., 4 figs., 3 tables, 1972. ISSN: 2475-3637. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Cretaceous Paleogeography:...
Mineral Deposits in the West Chinati Stock, Chinati Mountains, Presidio County, Texas, by W. N. McAnulty, Sr. 13 p., 7 figs., 1972. ISSN: 2475-3637. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Mineral Deposits in the West Chinati...
Resource Capability Units: Their Utility in Land- and Water-Use Management with Examples from the Texas Coastal Zone, by L. F. Brown, Jr., W. L. Fisher, A. W. Erxleben, and J. H. McGowen. 22 p., 4 figs., 1971. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Resource Capability Units: Their...
Depositional Systems in the Jackson Group of Texas: Their Relationship to Oil, Gas, and Uranium, by W. L. Fisher, C. V. Proctor, Jr., W. E. Galloway, and J. S. Nagle. 28 p., 15 figs. Reprinted from Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 20, p. 234–261, 1970. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found... Depositional Systems in the Jackson...
Effects of Hurricane Celia: A Focus on Environmental Geologic Problems of the Texas Coastal Zone, by J. H. McGowen, C. G. Groat, L. F. Brown, Jr., W. L. Fisher, and A. J. Scott. 35 p., 9 figs., 1970. doi.org/10.23867/gc7003D. Digital Version.For a print version: GC7003. Effects of Hurricane Celia: A Focus...