Geothermal Resources--Frio Formation, Upper Texas Gulf Coast, by D. G. Bebout, R. G. Loucks, S. C. Bosch, and M. H. Dorfman. 47 p., 52 figs., 1976. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Geothermal Resources--Frio Formation,...
Land Resources Inventory of Lignite Strip-Mining Areas, East Texas: An Application of Environmental Geology, by C. D. Henry. 28 p., 19 figs., 1 table, 1976. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Land Resources Inventory of Lignite...
Hydrogeologic Significance of Depositional Systems and Facies in Lower Cretaceous Sandstones, North-Central Texas, by W. D. Hall. 29 p., 19 figs., 2 tables, 1976. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Hydrogeologic Significance of...
Physiographic Features and Stratification Types of Coarse-Grained Point Bars: Modern and Ancient Examples, by J. H. McGowen and L. E. Garner. 27 p., 25 figs., 1 table, 1975. Reprinted from Sedimentology, v. 14, 1970, with permission of Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company and Sedimentology. Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can... Physiographic Features and...
Geothermal Resources, Frio Formation, Middle Texas Gulf Coast, by D.G. Bebout, O. K. Agagu, and M. H. Dorfman. 43 p., 38 figs., 1975. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Geothermal Resources, Frio Formation,...
Microrelief (Gilgai) Structures on Expansive Clays of the Texas Coastal Plain: Their Recognition and Significance in Engineering Construction, by T. C. Gustavson. 18 p., 14 figs., 1 table, 1975. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Microrelief (Gilgai) Structures on...
Shoreline Changes between Sabine Pass and Bolivar Roads, An Analysis of Historical Changes of the Texas Gulf Shoreline, by R. A. Morton. 43 p., 11 figs., 1 table, 1975. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Shoreline Changes between Sabine Pass...
Flood Hazards along the Balcones Escarpment in Central Texas, Alternative Approaches to Their Recognition, Mapping, and Management, by V. R. Baker. 22 p., 9 figs., 2 tables, 1975. ISSN: 0083:3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Flood Hazards along the Balcones...
Shoreline Changes in the Vicinity of the Brazos River Delta (San Luis Pass to Brown Cedar Cut), An Analysis of Historical Changes of the Texas Gulf Shoreline, by R. A. Morton and M. J. Pieper. 47 p., 12 figs., 1 table, 1975. ISSN: 0082-3309: Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Shoreline Changes in the Vicinity of...
Upper Pennsylvanian Limestone Banks, North-Central Texas, by E. G. Wermund. 34 p., 14 figs., 2 tables, 1975. ISSN: 0082-3339. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Upper Pennsylvanian Limestone Banks,...
Shoreline Changes on Brazos Island and South Padre Island (Mansfield Channel to Mouth of the Rio Grande), An Analysis of Historical Changes of the Texas Gulf Shoreline, by R. A. Morton and M. J. Pieper. 39 p., 12 figs., 1 table, 3 appendices, 1975. ISSN: 0082-3309. Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Shoreline Changes on Brazos Island...
Geothermal Resources: Frio Formation, South Texas, by D. G. Bebout, M. H. Dorfman, and O. K. Agagu. 36 p., 25 figs., 1975. ISSN: 0082-3307: Print Version.A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Geothermal Resources: Frio Formation,...