How to use the map based search tool

Watch a short video tutorial:

User reference:

  • Only the three most commonly used map categories are displayed by default.
  • Layers can be turned on and off with the checkboxes.
  • Placing your mouse over a layer name will highlight those products on the map (if that layer is turned on) and give a brief description of that category.
  • The list can be collapsed and expanded by clicking where it says 'Map Layers'
  • To navigate to a specific area: either use the location search on the left-hand side, or zoom using the '+ / -' in the top left of the viewer (or your mouse wheel / trackpad).
  • Click and hold the map to move it.
  • Clicking a rectangle will open a popup in the viewer with information about the available map(s)
  • Clicking on the image in the popup will take you to the product's page in the store.
  • If there are overlapping rectangles, you can go between the choices by clicking on the arrows where it says 1 of 2 (for example) in the corner of the popup. 
  • You can also display all the options as a list by clicking between the two arrows in that same location.
  • You can select all of the maps available within an area by using the 'select area by rectangle tool' on the left side of the viewer. The selection will only be made based on the current active layers.