Paleoecological Implications of a Holocene Fossil Assemblage: Lower Rio Grande, Cameron County, Texas, by R. W. Neck. 20 p., 4 figs., 1 table, 1985. Print Paleoecological Implications of a...
The Armor of Fossil Giant Armadillos (Pampatheriidae, Xenarthra, Mammalia), by A. G. Edmund. 20 p., 13 figs., 1 table, 1985. Print The Armor of Fossil Giant Armadillos...
Mammals of the Coffee Ranch Local Fauna Hemphillian of Texas, by W. W. Dalquest. 41 p., 15 figs., 6 tables, 1983. Print Mammals of the Coffee Ranch Local...
A Checklist and Bibliography of the Iapygoidea (Insecta: Diplura) of North America, Central America, and the West Indies, by J. R. Reddell. 41 p., 1983. Print A Checklist and Bibliography of the...
Occurrence of Exotic Fishes in Texas Waters, by Clark Hubbs. 19 p., 1982. Print Occurrence of Exotic Fishes in Texas...
Fossil Mammals from the Lower Buck Hill Group, Eocene of Trans-Pecos Texas: Marsupicarnivora, Primates, Taeniodonta, Condylarthra, by R. M. West. 20 p., 7 figs., 8 tables, 1982. Print Fossil Mammals from the Lower Buck...
First Cretaceous Specimens of the Beryciform Fish Hoplopteryx from North America and Their Bearing on Acanthopterygian Evolution, by David Bardack and Susan Teller-Marshall. 13 p., 5 figs., 1 table, 1982. Print First Cretaceous Specimens of the...
Early Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas, Trans-Pecos Texas: Amynodontidae, by J. A. Wilson and J. A Schiebout. 62 p., 25 figs., 15 tables, 1981. Print Early Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas,...
Late Hemphillian Mammals of the Ocote Local Fauna, Guanajuato, Mexico by W. W. Dalquest and Oswaldo Moose. 25 p., 5 tables, 5 figs., 1980. Print Late Hemphillian Mammals of the Ocote...
Early Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas: Big Bend Area, Trans-Pecos Texas: Simidectes (Mammalia insectivora) by E. P. Gustafson., 9 p., 3 figs., 1 table, 1979. Print Early Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas: Big...
A Dasyleptid from the Permian of Kansas: Lepidodasypus sharovi n. gen. n. sp. (Insecta Thysanura Monura), by C. J. Durden. 9 p., 3 figs., 1978. Print A Dasyleptid from the Permian of...
A New Systematic Arrangement for Philodryas serra (Schlegel) and Philodryas pseudoserra Amaral (Serpentes: Colubridae) by R. A. Thomas and J. A. Dixon. 20 p., 8 figs., 2 tables, 1977. Print A New Systematic Arrangement for...