Coastal Evaporite and Tidal-Flat Sediments of the Upper Clear Fork and Glorieta Formations, Texas Panhandle, by M. W. Presley and K. A. McGillis. 50 p., 38 figs., 5 tables, 1982. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Coastal Evaporite and Tidal-Flat...
Formation of the Wink Sink, A Salt Dissolution and Collapse Feature, Winkler County, Texas, by R. W. Baumgardner, Jr. A. D. Hoadley, and A. G. Goldstein. 38 p., 22 figs., 5 tables, 1982. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Formation of the Wink Sink, A Salt...
Depositional Framework, Hydrostratigraphy, and Uranium Mineralization of the Oakville Sandstone (Miocene), Texas Coastal Plain, by W. E. Galloway, C. D. Henry, and G. E. Smith. 51 p., 34 figs., 9 tables, 1982. ISSN: 0082-335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Depositional Framework,...
Smackover and Lower Buckner Formations South Texas: Depositional Systems on a Jurassic Carbonate Ramp, by D. A. Budd and R. G. Loucks. 38 p., 26 figs., 3 tables, 1981. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Smackover and Lower Buckner...
Factors Controlling Reservoir Quality in Tertiary Sandstones and Their Significance to Geopressured Geothermal Production, by R. G. Loucks, D. L. Richmann, and K. L. Milliken. 41 p., 48 figs., 8 tables, 3 appendices, 1981. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Factors Controlling Reservoir Quality...
Statistical Analysis of Lineaments and Their Relation to Fracturing, Faulting, and Halokinesis in the East Texas Basin, by O. R. Dix and M. P. A. Jackson. 30 p., 27 figs., 4 tables, 1981. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Statistical Analysis of Lineaments...
Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Sligo and Hosston Formations (Lower Cretaceous) in South Texas, by D. G. Bebout, D. A. Budd, and R. A. Schatzinger. 69 p., 55 figs., 4 tables, 1981. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Depositional and Diagenetic History...
Upper Tertiary and Quaternary Depositional Systems, Central Coastal Plain, Texas--Regional Geology of the Coastal Aquifer and Potential Liquid-Waste Repositories, by R. F. Solis. 89 p., 41 figs., 12 tables, 1981. ISSN: 0082335X: Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Upper Tertiary and Quaternary...
Wave-Dominated Delta Systems of the Upper Cretaceous San Miguel Formation, Maverick Basin, South Texas, by B. R. Weise. 39 p., 36 figs., 1 table, 9 plates, 1980. ISSN: 0082335X Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Wave-Dominated Delta Systems of the...
Regional Dissolution of Permian Salt in the Anadarko, Dalhart, and Palo Duro Basins of the Texas Panhandle, by T. C. Gustavson, R. J. Finley, and K. A. McGillis. 40 p., 31 figs., 1 table, 1980. ISSN: 0082335X. Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Regional Dissolution of Permian Salt...
Sand-Body Geometry and Depositional Systems, Ogallala Formation, Texas, by S. J. Seni. 36 p., 21 figs., 5 tables, 1980. ISSN: 0082335X. Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Sand-Body Geometry and Depositional...
Lignite Resources in Texas, by W. R. Kaiser, W. B. Ayers, Jr., and L. W. LaBrie. 52 p., 31 figs., 18 tables, 1980. ISSN: 0082335X. Print Version. A free, digital version of this publication can be found on: Texas ScholarWorks Lignite Resources in Texas, by W. R....