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The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn


The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn. O. A. Callahan and Peter Eichhubl, editors. Introduction and 9 chapters, 2021.  ISSN: 2475-367X.  ISBN: 978-1-970007-36-7. 

In preparation, 6 chapters available.

More details

This volume is still in preparation. 5 of the 9 chapters are available digitally with links provided below:


Introduction – Peter Eichhubl and Owen A. Callahan

1. The Proterozoic Basement of Texas – Melanie A. Barnes, Thomas E. Ewing, and Calvin G. Barnes

2. The Structure of the Geologic Basement in Texas
by Owen A. Callahan, Katie M. Smye, Elizabeth A. Horne, Peter Eichhubl, and Carolyn Breton

3. Oil and Gas in Fractured Crystalline Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks: Global Overview and Examples from Texas
by Mark W. Shuster, Christopher K. Zahm, and Peter H. Hennings

4. Texas Mineral Resources Within or Affected by Proterozoic Basement Architecture,
by J. Richard Kyle and Brent A. Elliott

5. Hydrogeology of the Texas Basement
by Jean-Philippe Nicot

6. Basement-Rooted Faults of the Delaware Basin and Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
by Elizabeth A. Horne, Peter H. Hennings, and Chris Zahm

7. Structure and Characteristics of the Basement in the Fort Worth Basin
by Elizabeth A. Horne, Katie M. Smye, and Peter H. Hennings

8. Geology and Hydromechanical Properties of the Basement-Sediment Interface, Llano Uplift, Central Texas
by Owen A. Callahan, Peter Eichhubl, and J. Richard Kyle

9. Seismogenic Environment of the Geologic Basement of Texas,
by Alexandros Savvaidis, Peter H. Hennings, Cliff Frohlich, Peter Eichhubl, Elizabeth A. Horne, Dino Huang, and Owen A. Callahan

Keywords: Basement, Central Texas, Fort Worth Basin, hydrogeology, Llano Uplift, mineral resources, oil and gas, Permian Basin, southeastern New Mexico, structural geology, tectonics, Texas, West Texas


Callahan, O. A., and Eichhubl, Peter, eds., 2021, The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 286. Introduction and 9 chapters, 2021.